Kepok Pisan leaves


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Banana leaves are leaves produced by banana plants. Banana leaves in Indonesian cuisine have a major role as a supporting decoration, complement, and packaging of food ingredients; in addition, they are also used in various religious activities. This tradition is also known in many places in South Asia and Southeast Asia.

Banana leaves contain large amounts of polyphenols, the same as in tea leaves, in the form of EGCG, so they produce a distinctive aroma when used as a food complement.

As a food packaging, various banana leaf folding techniques are known for different functions. In the Javanese culinary heritage, the following techniques are known:

pincuk (replacement of plate for food containers with soup, open, usually for nasi liwet, pecel, and satay)

pinjung (wrapper for food with soup, closed, for bothok, meniran)

takir (replacement of bowl for food containers with soup, open, usually for jenang)

terpelang (wrapper for individual rice or sticky rice, closed)

tum (wrapper for food containers with soup, closed)

samir (sheet-shaped food mat)

sudi (small food mat, snack container)

sudu/siru/suru (long pieces of banana leaf to be used like a spoon)

sumpil (triangular wrapper, usually for packing tempeh)

Banana leaves used for packaging are usually banana leaves that have fully expanded (Javanese: ujungan). In some snacks, young and soft banana leaves (pupus) are also used. If beauty is not important, yellowing banana leaves are also used, but not yet dry. To use it is usually soaked first in water to make it flexible.

Indonesian specialties that use banana leaves as a complement, usually as a wrapper or base.

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